A cross on a rosary for Jack's first communion,
Cucumbers for my somewhat successful garden,
Surfboard - for our wonderful family vacation to Destin, Florida,
A tiny me looking at Yellow and blue paper at the craft and hobby show in California,
A hospital bracelet from Abby's unexpected appendectomy,
A purple flower from my sister's wedding
Daisy earrings - Emma had her ears pierced,
a red car - we had to get 2 new to us cars this year :( the real ones are nothing like this corvette,
Three balls, the girls are playing lots of volleyball and Jack played basketball, but his favorite ball is hidden a bit..,
A running shoe of abby's and three of Emma's many ribbons,
too easy you say... then try these
Blog bonus clues -
2 monkeys and 11 other animals
a pink snowflake
3 hats (the gold miners helmet is not a hat...)
3 scarves
a star
I wish my picture and clues were slightly more creative this year, but the holiday crunch has crunched me this year. Next year i will start earlier...maybe.